Senin, 30 Juni 2008
Minggu, 29 Juni 2008
Tips for Prescribing a Future for Your Business
Throughout history, we humans have tried many ways to predict the future, from reading palms to stargazing. Today, we refer to these as descriptive methods when we attempt to describe objectively what the future will be or could be.
On the other hand, prescriptive methods focus on determining what the future should be. These techniques can help us clarify our preferences and values so we can create a vision of what we would like to see in our lives, businesses, or communities.
Once we understand what we would like the future to represent, we're better able to take the actions required to implement it. Ideally, that future will align with our passions, gifts, and what we (or our companies) can really be the best at doing. This article suggests a two-stage process for achieving that goal.
First, Identify Your "Hedgehog Concept"
So, what can you be the best in the world (or at least in your community) at doing? This thought-provoking reflection is one of many from Jim Collins' "Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...and Others Don't."
Collins' team examined 1,435 companies to see which ones made substantial gains in profitability and sustained those improvements over 15 years or more. Since the 1970s, only 11 companies had risen from mediocrity to greatness and stayed there -- topping many other prosperous firms that lacked the same staying power.
Of eight characteristics these companies shared, all held an unshakable adherence to becoming the best in the world at whatever they did. Each company committed to doing only those things and nothing else. That sometimes meant dropping their core businesses to pursue other things at which they could become the best in the world.
Collins and his team coined the term "hedgehog concept" to reflect a single-minded determination and focus that, similar to that of the hedgehog animal, attempts to do only one thing really well, such as curl up and roll. A hedgehog concept actually represents the intersection of three areas:
1) What you're most passionate about
2) An understanding of what you could be the best at doing, and
3) A metric that drives your economic engine and helps you measure results.
Keep in mind that according to Collins, this concept is not a goal, strategy, or plan, but an understanding of what you can and can't be the best at doing. Until you develop your hedgehog concept, you won't know your true vision, mission, or purpose.
Next, Define Your "Business Success Criteria"
Do you have a crystal clear idea of the types of business undertakings that align with your gifts, talents, passions, and strengths? In that same context, have you thought about whether your business can be the very best in the world at doing those things?
If the answers are "yes," you are in an excellent position to choose the ventures that can give you the greatest satisfaction and results.
If you're not yet totally clear about the answers to these questions, developing a set of "business success criteria" can enable you to select worthwhile endeavors with much deeper insight, and thus set the conditions for successfully pursuing them. A hedgehog concept thereby represents part of the formula you can devise to identify and choose among your very best options.
Why is this so important? It's not uncommon for people to wander into businesses, projects, and professions opportunistically, which means that they often select the next available and convenient thing that comes along. At times, this may be necessary for financial reasons. But unless we understand our underlying success criteria, we might not recognize the options that truly fuel and inspire us -- those that are best suited to our passions and strengths.
Some of your criteria could be practical considerations, and others more lofty ideals. But all of your criteria will be essential to achieving balance, fulfillment, prosperity, and higher contribution in your life.
In conclusion, a set of carefully crafted success criteria fueled by a potent hedgehog concept provides an unbeatable strategic advantage, and an excellent direction-finder for prescribing your future!
Senin, 23 Juni 2008
Affiliate Marketing-Finding a ClickBank Product To Promote
This article is intended to help you make money as an affiliate. Please leave us comments, questions, or success stories so that we can improve this guide. Be sure to check out our other affiliate related guides on the lower part of this page.
If you have decided that Click bank is the best place to find a product to promote then you will be pleased to learn that the process from registration to promotion is a simple one. The first thing you need to do is create an account: you'll be pleased to discover this is free to affiliates. When registering at Click bank you first create a unique username which will later be used to identify you for Affiliate commissions. The details you submit are reasonably few but do include an address so your earnings can be sent to you. Within a few short minutes you will be registered and able to begin browsing the marketplace for products to promote.
Click bank's 'Marketplace' is the 'clearing house' where merchants' products are listed. It is split into nine main categories: Business to Business, Health & Fitness, Home & Family, Computing & Internet, Money & Employment, Marketing & Ads, Fun & Entertainment, Sports & Recreation, and Society & Culture. Each category is further split into smaller subcategories. If you are new to Click bank it is a good idea to first browse the main Marketplace categories, then 'dig down' into the subcategories of those areas which interest you. When you have a few products or topic areas you are interested in promoting then you should type the relevant keywords into the keyword search field to begin creating a list of potential products to look at further. When researching products, never make a decision until you have compared the product and its available sales material with its competitors so it is advisable to create a list of at least three or four similar or related products for the sake of comparison..
There are three 'levels' of search you can conduct with the Click bank keyword search function. When you type a keyword such as 'dog training', or 'learn Spanish', etc, into the keyword search field you can then set the 'Category' and 'Subcategory' fields either to search 'All' or search within one main category, or search within a subcategory of a main category. You can also choose to list the results in order of popularity, or graded according to a number of other statistical attributes. You can also decide how many results you wish to see on a page, from 10 to 50.
With each product listing in Click bank, or result of your search, there appears four numbers: one is a dollar amount, two are percentages, and the fourth is simply a score. You can order your search results on the page, in ascending or descending order according to the values of any of these figures. The first number on the left is a dollar amount and indicates how much, on average, an affiliate will earn per sale on that product; this is a 'balanced' figure and takes into account Click bank fees and customer refunds of the product. The second number tells you what the affiliate commission is, as a percentage value of the full price; this is usually between 50% and 75%. The third number is the percentage of Affiliate sales of the product compared to total sales of the product; this is usually quite high. The last figure tells you the 'gravity' of the product - which is an estimation of the popularity of the product, among Click bank affiliates, based upon sales.
The Click bank figures, which accompany product listings, are useful in helping to decide upon which product to promote but should not be the only factor. Click on the product listing title to view the sales page; as an affiliate your efforts will be to send people to an identical page and it's a good idea to read it through to see how effective it is. If you spend a lot of your time, and money, promoting this product it is necessary that the sales page is effective, otherwise your efforts will be wasted. In addition to being well written and attractive, a good sales page should have a title which draws the reader into the body of the text, it should include testimonials by satisfied customers, it should have a picture of the product and should also have pictures of any bonus offers, there should be bullet points outlining the features and benefits of the product and it should have a clear refund guarantee and an easy to find 'buy now' link or button. Statistically, 'long' sales pages are the most effective. If you know the market the product is targeted at then you should read the sales page over to decide if it is well targeted or not. Any work you do as an affiliate will rely upon the effectiveness of this page to 'close' the sale so it is worth spending a bit of time reviewing it, and its competitors, before making a decision.
After you have viewed a few products and sales pages and have decided upon a product to promote, you will now create your own personalized link which will open your personalized version of the sales page. This is the link you will place in all your promotions and will identify you as the affiliate to which any sales commission shall be paid: Click bank calls this 'a hoplink' and it is, simply, a hypertext link to the sales page which has your unique Click bank username added to it. The procedure is deceptively simple: below each product listing there is a link named 'create hoplink'. Click on this link and a new window will open in your browser. Type your Click bank username into the top field and click 'submit' and within a few seconds the window will refresh and give you two links. The first link is the web address of the product sales page with your Affiliate ID on it, the second is the same address formatted in html to create a text link.
You can now go ahead and begin marketing or promoting this product, and as many others as you wish. Your efforts will be rewarded whenever a visitor clicks on your link and buys a product from the sales page you send them to. All you need are the 'hoplink' from Click bank and your 'wits'.
Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008
Siapa yang berani bertaruh atau menyangka bahwa kesebelasan Turki dan Rusia bisa sampai semifinal dan tak menutup kemungkinan mereka akan bertemu di partai puncak.Kebanyakan orang akan menjagokan kesebelasan-kesebelasan yang mempunyai tradisi sepak bola yang bagus,seperti Italia,Jerman ,Belanda,Prancis dan lain-lain.
Dengan semangat pantang menyerah saya yakin suatu saat nanti kita akan juga berhasil di bisnis internet,amin…amin…amin.Tapi kita juga harus membekali diri kita dengan skill dan pemahaman di internet bisnis dengan bantuan teman- teman yang sukses di bisnis internet :D :D :D.
Tetap focus untuk bisa memahami bisnis internet dan sebagainnya step by step.
Senin, 16 Juni 2008
How It Will Be Working From Home
Before you up and quit your day job, you need to look at many different things that can and will affect your ability to work from home. If you work at a job that stresses your back--medical work, warehousing, mechanical occupations, and garbage collection are top contenders. You may need to do more than just practice good lifting technique. Another area of consideration when trying to determine the best work based from home job for you is whether you are a “creative” person or a more business-minded person.
At the other extreme, those who are working at home for the first time, may be tempted to relax all day long, watch television, go to the local pub or whatever it is they like to do, and never actually settle down to any work. For those who have a daily grind of commuting to their job, sometimes long distances and for an hour, two hours or even more, the thought of working at home may seem like a dream.
If I manage to achieve the same success working from home during the day as I have over the last year working a few hours here and there in my spare time I’ll be well on my way to becoming a full time home business entrepreneur. Should I decide to do this I’ll be taking the huge step from working on my business in my spare time to earn some extra money, to working half the week for myself. With action I mean the following, be willing to invest some of the money you have earned working for a boss.
Wouldn't you love to be one of those people on the other end of the line providing that information, working at home being your own boss, starting every day with checking your bank statements just to notice that you've made another heap of money while you where sleeping. It is always good to know the experiences that other people have had with the business opportunity that you are researching. Many people facing the threat of being laid off do not have a clear, transferable set of skills that they can use in their own business.
Why You Need a Research Before Start Your Home Based Business
Research each home based business idea on your list. Do some careful research a person should be able to easily find a good computer home based business. So, if you do have a business that relies on your home based business idea, say an invention, then you need to research protecting your home based business idea through trademark, patent, or copyright.
Network Marketing is a learning process which requires time and research. If you have never run a business before and have little business understanding, do some research to teach yourself some skills. It is very important for anyone wanting to start a home based business to do their research on the opportunity before joining.
Using a variety of accurate internet marketing business reviews can be a great way to shed a little bit of light on your research and there are many out there that can make looking for marketing reviews easier for the consumer or the prospective business owner. Doing this is simply a matter of having the right sources, reading the right internet marketing business reviews, and learning how to spot a scam.
Internet marketing business reviews can come from multiple sources, but a general rule of thumb is to keep an eye out for a general consensus amongst the reviewers. There are many issues that may come into play in terms of Internet marketing business reviews. Some reviews may use testimonials to attempt to create more realistic tone. When reading internet marketing business reviews, it is important to maintain a clear focus so as to understand the actuality of what the review says and not just the spin.
A knowledge business can be a wonderful home based business idea for a number of reasons, for example, start-up costs can be very low, the business can be started part-time and develop into a full-time venture, you will be dealing with topics that you know and love by integrating your passion and the last point is the most successful home based business idea is based on a particular person's passion.
Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008
Using A Blog To Promote Your Business
Once you have your blog selected and your account created, it is time to name your blog. When selecting a name choose something that fits both the wellness industry and compliments the types of products that you will be promoting for your wellness business. For example, if you sell weight loss products you could name your blog something such as Skinny Tips. This would let others know the general theme of the blog.
The blog setup will ask you to create a description for you blog. Take the time to write out several descriptions until you have just the perfect one. The description that you post on the blog will often be what is used when search engines pick up your blog and list it in the pages. For the example of the skinny tips blog you could do a description such as helpful tips and information for weight loss. The description then further explains your blog so that more people are likely to read your posts because they will know what the blog is going to be about before they start reading.
What should you write about for your blog? One of the top things to write about is the general topic of the blog. Blogs with a lot of different topics can get confusing to readers. They are successful but the purpose of this type of business blog is to promote your wellness home business. If for example you had the Skinny Tips blog, you could write short pieces about losing weight, eating well and exercising. You can even write reviews for the different products that you are promoting. In the reviews, you can link directly to the product to encourage visitors to visit your main wellness small home business Internet site.
The primary purpose of blogs is to provide information. Providing a great deal of information is the key to a successful blog for business. You get people that would not normally visit a wellness product site to come and read your blog. After reading your blog on a regular basis, visitors will naturally go and visit your business site. Use the blog as a portal to get traffic to your website and not as a big advertisement. People will stay and read the information if it is informative and entertaining.
Using a blog to promote your wellness business is a very effective marketing tool. What is great about using blogs is that you can promote your wellness business absolutely free. There are many places on the Internet that you can set up a blog without it costing you a single penny. With a new home business it is important to maximize promotion without spending all your profits on advertising and marketing. Using a blog is one of the methods that you can use to promote your wellness business without it emptying your business budget.
Starting Business With Blogging Power
f your new small home business is promoting skin care products, there are many topics you can write about. You can write about skin care in general, stages of acne, types of acne, chemical peels, micro-derm abrasion scrubs and other information about the skin. You can even cover the symptoms of skin cancer, harmful effects of UV rays and so forth. Perhaps, you can do a series on nutrition and skin health? There are many, many different topics that you can cover in your blog that will be interesting for people to read and helpful. Consumers are more likely to purchase from someone that is offering them real information and real service as opposed to someone that is bombarding them with advertisements. As people become regulars to your blog, they will naturally click the blog links and visit your new small home business.
Many new business owners underestimate the power of blogging. Blogging is an extremely powerful tool that you can use in conjunction with starting a small home business. Even if your business is not web based, blogging can still help you when starting a small home business. One of the strongest areas to begin a new business is in the wellness industry. This is because there are so many different types of products and types of services that you can offer to consumers around you and on the Internet. Blogging is a wonderful way to get the word out about your new home business and help to promote it.
People only have time to read a certain amount of material in one sitting and one day. Vary the length of your blog entries. Have some that are useful and helpful but short such as a tip that they can use for your niche. Have some that are humorous. People love to laugh in their stressful days. You can do one category that is nothing but humor so that people that want to relax will come to your blog to see the latest funny thing that you posted. When you use blogging correctly it is a powerful marketing tool for starting a small home business.
We can give data also very fast, interact many people like a bat out of hell , exchange information,give information,look for information,make money online,and many more.
What there is can be doing like that?;yes, you must cause art a BLOG or WEBSITE.
Selasa, 10 Juni 2008
PayDotCom is the Best Affiliate Marketplace on the Net!
sugeng suprapto here...
If you are familiar with (R), or even if you are not but you want to make profits online, then you will want to check this out ASAP ...
While I like Clickbank, and they are a great marketplace... they are limited to many restrictions to sell products or earn affiliate commissions...
Well, there is a GREAT NEW SERVICE now...
It is a new FREE marketplace where you can sell any product you want.
Yours OWN product...
- OR - (the best part)
You can become an INSTANT Affiliate for ANY item in their HUGE marketplace.
It is called!
Did I mention it is 100% FREE to Join!
This site is going to KILL all other marketplaces and I by now, almost EVERY SINGLE SERIOUS online marketer has an account with
So get yours now and see how much they offer...
OH! - Also, they have their won affiliate program now that pays you COLD HARD cash just for sharing the site with people like I am doing with you...
They give you cool tools like BLOG WIDGETS, and they even have an advertising program to help you get traffic to your site.
If you want an ARMY of affiliates to sell your products for you, they also allow you to have Free placement in their marketplace!
Even better... If your product becomes one of the Top 25 products in its category in the marketplace (not that hard to do)...
...then you will get Free advertising on the Blog Widget which is syndicated on THOUSANDS of sites World Wide and get Millions of impressions per month.
So, what are you waiting for... ROCKS!
Get your FREE account now...
sugeng suprapto
P.S. - Make sure to get your Account NOW while it is Free to join.
Affiliate Marketing Strategies In Today's World
Affiliate Marketing is an agreement between a merchant and a website owner. Both the merchant and the affiliate enjoy some benefits in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing programs are described as a win-win situation for both the merchant and the affiliate because of the pay-for-performance scheme. Affiliate marketing will give the product or service the maximum exposure that it may not get with other traditional advertising techniques.
Researching affiliate versus traditional marketing ideas and opportunities can help you start a new business or grow the home based business you already have. By reading this article you have taken the first step towards financial freedom. Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make a profit online while at home.
Now that you know what affiliate marketing is, let’s discuss some important ways you need to know in order to be successful at your home business.
First you need to know that your main focus in affiliate online marketing will be on promoting the product of the merchant. Your affiliate marketing system can be duplicated and replicated in any niche’ market, as long as there are products with affiliate programs in that market niche. This leaves the field of affiliate marketing open to everyone who has a desire to become their own boss. Fortunately, it does not take hundreds of thousands of dollars to be making money with affiliate marketing. In most cases you can start for Free!
The most important thing about being an affiliate is you do not have to worry about inventory, order processing, or product shipping. All the same, the best benefit of being an affiliate marketer is the opportunity to increase your income; and you can make a profit even if affiliate marketing is only a sideline business. Most affiliate marketers today make a very lucrative income as they know how to promote their companies in the correct way.
In fact, this great publicity, writing articles, is the first way I want to share with you to promote your business and is often free. You can get freelancers to do this for you if writing is just NOT your thing. This is very inexpensive at places like and my personal favorite You can also submit articles to article directories to generate free traffic and backlinks to your site. You can find hundreds of article directories by doing a search online for that keyword. Article marketing is one of the best free online marketing strategies to drive targeted traffic to your website and increase your sales.
The forums are also free and even small affiliates can have a big voice at places like that, which is supported by the anonymity that is provided by those platforms. Do a search on Home based business forums and find tons of them to join and learn the business and secrets shared by those doing this for a living. This is the best ’on the job training’ you can get.
Some secret weapons for succeeding at your own Home Business are as follows :
1)You MUST optimize a business website for a great start. To optimize your website using this free traffic generation technique, make sure you:
2) Build your website around your chosen keywords;
3) Write and distribute quality and unique content (articles, blogs, online journals) around your chosen keywords;
4) Exchange links with other sites;
5) Submit your site to website and search engine submission directories.
Search Engine Optimization, SEO is a free and very effective marketing technique used by affiliate marketers who are succeeding in the Home Based Business Era. You can find tutorials in many places on the internet by searching for keyword SEO.
There are a few good fully automated traffic-generation systems that can send thousands of targeted prospects to your website, every single day, for FREE. If you are a newbie affiliate internet marketer, when creating your traffic strategy you should choose three (3) free traffic methods and one (1) paid traffic method to implement and focus on. Although if you don’t have the extra money to put into this right now it will be fine to use the free ones until you start getting some paychecks in.
There are many free affiliate marketing ideas, tips and secrets the pros use available online. I hope this article has helped you to make an informed decision on whether or not to start your home business based on being an affiliate vs. traditional marketing. This type of business is not only easier, but as I mentioned earlier you do not have to worry about inventory, order processing, and product shipping, only getting your links out there in the online world.
If you desire residual and passive income to be ongoing for your future then these practices are some of the first things you need to do to be successful at your new affiliate marketing business. A word to the wise, any income you generate from your business for the first few months should be turned around and put back into the advertising of your website. This will benefit you greatly in the end.
I honestly believe that anyone who is willing to put the effort and time in, will be able to achieve Complete Financial Freedom upon starting their own Home Based Business in Affiliate Marketing.
Here’s To Your Success in the Affiliate Marketing World!
Writing articles can make your affiliate pages unique and drive more traffic from the major search engines, resulting in more sales.
In some instances the merchant's affiliate program may not provide you with more than a
banner and a few text links.
If your traffic levels are low than this will not do much to drive traffic to your affiliate links.
If the merchant does provide you with content then this can be viewed by search engines as duplicate material depending on how many affiliates are promoting the same product with that content.
Beginning Your Article
First begin by reading all the information on the merchant's site about the affiliate program, if you are not already familiar with the product.
It is very important that you learn what it is that you are offering to your customers such as,product features,capabilities,limitations and specifications.
Many merchants will include these details with the description.
Researching your article
Use one of the many free or paid keyword suggestion tools to build your list of niche keywords.
Google Adwords, Digitalpoint and CBtrends all have really useful keyword tools which are free. Experimenting will help you discover search trends.
Testing these keywords in major search engine will give you a sense market saturation and competition.
Include Keywords In your Article
When writing for search engines your article should be keyword rich. Include long tail keyword phrases in your article title and subcategories. Product specific keyword phrases will help drive targeted traffic from search engines to your specific niche.
What to include in your article
Creating an outline will help you organize your article and supporting subcategories sequence.
Including descriptive keywords such as, size, color and dimensions in your article will further help drive targeted visitors to your site.
Helping your visitors solve a problem
When promoting affiliate programs through article writing, bring attention to product features that will help your visitors resolve a problem.
Use examples and illustrations of how these features can be applied in real life situations.
If your product is easy to use, then bring attention to why you believe it is better than similar products.
Ways to emphasize product features
Use bullet points, numbering or italics when writing articles to emphasize and bring attention to helpful product features.
Free content
Articles provide free instant content for ezines,newsletters and website publishers. This free content is used to optimize and attract free search engine traffic.
Submitting to article directories
There are countless popular free article directories, where your can submit your article for publication. Arcanaweb publishes a list of many popular directories. These directories allow anyone to reprint the article as long as the resource box is included at the end of the article.
Read and follow the guidelines before submitting your articles
Do not include affiliate links in your article or resource box.
This may cause your article to be rejected by the directory.
Do not plagiarize another writers material.
Resource box and backlinks
Writing articles can increase the number of one way links or backlinks to your site.
Included at the end of every article is a resource box,where you can include a brief bio and link back to your site.
Free article directories
Free article directories will allow you submit content but you are not paid for your article. Goarticles,Isnare and Articledashboard are among some of the large high traffic free article repositories.
Article distribution and submission services
Article distribution services will submit your article for a fee to article directories,ezines,newsletters,article email groups, social bookmarking and article announcement sites.
Article submission software
Article submission software such as Artemis Lite and Article Submitter 2.2 are free and may expedite the process once your are registered. You will need to do a manual submission for sites using an access code.
Paid article directories
These directories will pay you for writing articles or reviews.
Compensation may be in the form of revenue share or per word.
Paid to write reviews
In addition to getting paid for writing articles, reviews can be another avenue to earn extra income. Review rates can range anywhere from $2.00 to $200.00.
Reviewme, Reviewstream, Softwarejudge and Epinions are just a few of the popular paid to review sites that can put extra cash in your pocket.
You can also earn money with your clickbank id at Reviewsarena for up to 60 days.
Paid to blog
Writing blogs are yet another alternative for earning extra income.
Payperpost and Smorty are blog sites that pay weekly and compensation may range anywhere from $5 to $100. In some cases, you may be able to negotiate a price with the advertiser.
In conclusion
Do your research before writing an article,use targeted keywords on affiliate product landing pages. Submit to high ranking article directories to increase the number of quality backlinks. Check site stats for increase traffic levels. Test and improve your writing skills by reading writing tutorials and ebooks. Learn from mistakes and continue writing articles.
Article Marketing For Internet Affiliate Programs
Even if you only work from home online, you'll find that article marketing can easily be fit into the activities that you perform while running your home based business. The reason that even those who believe that they "cannot write" turn to article marketing to get the word out is simple: how else can you make money online free? That's right. When you write and submit articles to various article directories on the web, you'll be able to reach a wider audience without having to pay for the advertising.
Of course, reaching people about the internet affiliate program products and services that you're promoting will take a bit of finesse. While good articles always include a link to the page that you are promoting - either within the article itself or in the resource box that lets you tell readers a bit more about who you are and what you do - the goal of the article is to inform. In other words, an article isn't a sales pitch.
Instead, the articles that you use to market and internet affiliate programs should benefit the readers. Use your articles to focus on relevant information; let the reader see that what you're telling him or her is really to his or her advantage. If, for example, you've chosen to promote a Click Booth service such as satellite television, don't focus on selling that service. Instead write an article that speaks to the frustrations that they have with their cable company overcharging for inferior service; explain what satellite TV really is and provide some history. This sort of quality content that is appealing not only to the readers but also to publishers who are looking for content to use on their blogs or websites is far more valuable than a short link ad.
You did read that correctly - publishers of ezines and other email newsletters as well as a wide variety of bloggers and webmasters scan article directories to find content that they can include on their site: this is a remarkably good thing. Each time a publisher reprints your article, all of the links that you included must be in tact and active; that means that every time your articles are used, another link to the internet affiliate program product or service you were marketing will show up online.
Article marketing helps to establish your credibility by showing that you know what you're writing about. Article marketing draws attention when your articles provide the information that people are already looking for. Others will put your links up for you by republishing that content. And, again, it's free advertising for your home based business.
Make Money Online For Beginners
Before I begin, let me say that there are tons of instructional manuals out there to try to teach you how to get started. Most of them are not really for beginners. They assume that you already have some idea of what to do. They just expand on knowledge they believe you already know.
For a true "newbie" who wants to know how to make money online for beginners, let me give you some important pointers.
1. When choosing an instructional manual to learn how to start out, make sure it truly is for beginners. Otherwise you're going to be lost from page one.
2. Make sure that the instructional manual doesn't just rant on about theory, and make sure it gives you the actual tools you need to put into action the strategies that are taught.
3. You don't need to have a website of your own. Of course in do time that is what you want, but to begin from scratch, there are ways of getting an online presence without having your own website.
4. There are so many places to look for products to sell. An easy way is to search the web. Just name your product type and add "+" affiliate to it. Like this: "dog food + affiliate"
5. In addition to that technique, you can search for "affiliate companies". There are lots of them, and they are quite easy to join.
6. The best way to begin is if you can find some ready made websites and products that are included in the instructional package you choose to purchase.
If you want to know how to make money online for beginners keep this one thing in mind.. It will take time and work. There is no overnight success. You must find an instructional manual filled with great learning techniques with step by step instructions. That way there's no guess work involved.
Also, if you can, make sure there are videos, audios and other teaching aides that make the learning curve easier for you.
I suggestion ,you must in affiliate program.
good luck.